Supported background file formats

The Table 294 outlines the most important graphic formats, which can be imported into Visum via graphic object type backgrounds.

File type


*.bmp (dib)

Bitmap: pixel-based Windows standard format

*.wmf (emf)

Windows Metafile: both vector- and pixel-based Windows graphic format (standard and enhanced format)


Graphics Interchange Format: pixel-based standard format by Compuserve for internet applications


Joint Photographic Experts Group: standard pixel-based format for internet applications developed by an ISO experts group


The JPEG2000 format also published by Joint Photographic Experts Group. Compared to JPG, this format offers a better compression rate and can also receive meta data.


Portable Network Graphics: License-free raster graphics format for Internet applications. It was developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to replace GIF and JPG.


Tagged Image File: pixel based default format for DTP and scanner applications; also with CCITT compression


Targa: Pixel-based format by Truevision for professional image processing on Workstations


A CAD format developed by Autodesk for CAD software AutoCad. The DWG format today, is a de facto standard for CAD data exchange and the most commonly used drawing data format.


Drawing Interchange Format: A vector graphic format developed by Autodesk, for CAD data exchange, which was developed for the CAD program AutoCAD. A *.dxf file writes a CAD model (for example a technical drawing) as text according to the ASCII standard.


Enhanced Compression Wavelet: ECW is a raster graphic format, which allows very high compression rates. It is therefore ideal for saving aerial photographs and satellite images.


Shape files are a data format for geodata, which are used in most GIS. The data format is ideal for including GIS data in Visum (Shape files as a GIS interface).


Multiresolution seamless image database MrSID is a compressed format for raster graphics. It is ideal for cartographic data and satellite images.


Scalable Vector Graphics

Standard for describing two-dimensional vector graphics in the XML syntax. The main language volume can be displayed by the most used web browsers without additional plug-ins (for example Firefox). A plug-in such as the SVG Viewer by Adobe allows the display on the Internet Explorer.

Table 294: Background formats supported by Visum